Nouveau groupe de travail international sur l'EAD

Deux nouveaux groupes de travail viennent d'être créés au sein de la Society of American Archivists :

  • un sous-comité technique pour l'EAD (TS-EAD)
  • une équipe chargée du développement du schéma (STD)

Le premier groupe succède au Working group et est chargé de la maintenance et du développement du format EAD. En particulier, il est chargé de la révision de la DTD EAD 2002. La France y est représentée par Claire Sibille (MCC/DGP/SIAF)


We are pleased to announce the creation of two new groups within the Society of American Archivists with responsibility for Encoded Archival Description (EAD).  At their February meeting, SAA Council created the Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description (TS-EAD) and the Schema Development Team (SDT), both of which will report to the SAA Standards Committee.

TS-EAD succeeds the EAD Working Group as the group primarily responsible for the maintenance and development of Encoded Archival Description.  TS-EAD was created as part of a broader restructuring of the SAA Standards infrastructure that requires a standing subcommittee for each SAA-maintained standard.  Its charge recognizes the international nature of EAD and ensures that the international character of the EAD Working Group is continued.  TS-EAD will work in tandem with the EAC Working Group, which remains responsible for EAC-CPF and future EAC standards.  The Schema Development Team is a new group of professionals with schema-writing expertise that will be responsible for the editing and maintenance of all XML schemas maintained by SAA, supporting the work of both TS-EAD and the EAC Working Group. 

With its charge, SAA instructed TS-EAD to undertake a revision of EAD 2002, to be completed in no more than five years.  More information on the upcoming EAD revision, including a call for comments, will follow soon.  Rest assured there will be ample opportunity for your feedback to be heard throughout the revision process.

The full charge and roster for TS-EAD is available at [lien corrigé, nov. 2012].  [...]

Please feel free to contact us with questions about TS-EAD, the Schema Development Team, or the upcoming revision of EAD.

Michael Rush, Yale University
Bill Stockting, British Library
TS-EAD Co-chairs


Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description Roster:

Michael Rush, Co-chair, Yale University
Bill Stockting, Co-chair, British Library (UK)
Michael Fox, Minnesota Historical Society
Kris Kiesling, University of Minnesota
Angelika Menne-Haritz, Bundesarchiv (Germany)
Kelcy Shepherd, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Claire Sibille, Direction générale des patrimonies (France)
Henny van Schie, Nationaal Archief / Bibliotheek (Netherlands)
Sharry Watson, Provincial Archives of Alberta (Canada)
Brad Westbrook, University of California, San Diego
Karin Bredenberg, ex officio (Schema Development Team), National Archives of Sweden
Terry Catapano, ex officio (Schema Development Team), Columbia University
Michele Combs, ex officio (Schema Development Team), Syracuse University
Jacquelyn Ferry, ex officio (EAD Roundtable Chair), Wisconsin Historical Society
Glenn Gardner, ex officio (Library of Congress), Library of Congress
Mark Matienzo, ex officio (Schema Development Team), Yale University
Cory Nimer, ex officio (SAA Standards Committee), Brigham Young University
Daniel Pitti, ex officio (Schema Development Team), University of Virginia
Merrilee Proffitt, ex officio (OCLC Research), OCLC Research
Katherine Wisser, ex officio (EAC Working Group), Simmons College

Schema Development Team Roster:

Daniel Pitti, Chair, University of Virginia
Karin Bredenberg, National Archives of Sweden
Terry Catapano, Columbia University
Michele Combs, Syracuse University
Mark Matienzo, Yale University
Cory Nimer, ex officio (SAA Standards Committee), Brigham Young University
Michael Rush, ex officio (TS-EAD Co-chair), Yale University
Bill Stockting, ex officio (TS-EAD Co-chair), British Library
Katherine Wisser, ex officio (EAC Working Group Chair), Simmons College